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In this paper I examine episodes in which superstar inventors relocate to a new city. In particular, in order to assess whether the beneficial effects of physical proximity to a superstar have a restricted network dimension or a wider spatial breadth (spillovers), I estimate changes in patterns of patenting activity following these events for two different groups of inventors: the superstar's close collaborators, and all the other inventors in a given urban area, for both the locality where the superstar moves to and for the one that is left behind. In the case of collaborators, I restrict the attention to patents realized independently from the superstar. The results from the event study register a large and persistent positive effect on the collaborators in the city of destination, as well as a simultaneous negative trend affecting those still residing in the previous location. In the long run, these effects translate into an increased difference between the two groups of about 0.16 patents per inventor. Conversely, no city-wide spillover effect can be attested, offering little support to place-based policies aimed at inducing a positive influx of top innovators in urban areas.  相似文献   
杰出科学家论文影响力的社会年龄分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用科学计量学的方法分别对分子生物学与遗传学、数学和计算机科学领域杰出科学家论文影响力的年龄分布进行了研究,结果表明,杰出科学家论文影响力的年龄分布是一种单峰分布,与杰出科学家论文生产力的年龄分布比较一致.中年时期是杰出科学家论文影响力和产出力的双高期.进一步对三个领域杰出科学家最具影响力的5篇论文的年龄分布进行分析,结果发现杰出科学家最具影响力的5篇论文的年龄分布高峰期比杰出科学家发表所有论文的高峰期早.在研究结果的基础上进行了若干思考.  相似文献   
科学家可否从事军事科学研究?本文在陈述两种对立观点的理由以及科学家面临两难选择的基础上,认为唯一可行的方案也许是:科学家按照自己的良心行事,根据具体情况决定自己何去何从。最后讨论了从事军事科学研究的科学家应该承担的道德义务。  相似文献   
实践逻辑视域下科学秩序的信任架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘崇俊 《科学学研究》2011,29(7):978-983
 囿于“理论逻辑”的“学究式谬误”,实证主义科学话语体系固守“证伪主义”的科学教条,认为如果科学家信任他人,则“既置入了认识论错误,又具有道德危险”。然而,科学场域的实践逻辑表明,富有道德色彩的“情感型信任”内嵌于科学实践之中,它是科学场域内生的一种结构性资源,甚至科学知识体系本身就是一张由环环相扣的信任链条精心编织的“信任之网”。即使是科学认知层面的带有权宜性的怀疑,也依赖于道德层面的人际信任,科学信任既是怀疑的逻辑起点——即使彻底的科学怀疑主义者也基于一定的信任架构,也是怀疑的价值归宿点——科学怀疑的目的不是主张从道德尺度对科学家进行价值评判,而是提倡通过富有建设性的科学对话,增进科学家之间的信任和合作。有鉴于此,理应批判科学实证主义的话语霸权,从而在科学场域构筑一条从怀疑走向信任的科学通道。  相似文献   
郭盛楠  郝洋 《编辑学报》2022,(3):301-305
科技期刊青年编委会的建设势头如火如荼。在此热潮下,各科技期刊编辑部纷纷组建自己的青年编委队伍。笔者所在单位的期刊也是如此,3种期刊分别建立了自己的青年编委会。在此过程中,笔者先后遇到了一些现象和问题,并进行了自己的思考,期待我们的经验能够为其他科技期刊在青年编委会组建过程中提供部分有益的参考。在科技期刊青年编委遴选、管理与建设过程中,期刊的优劣可能会被狭隘地以客观指标和青年编委遴选条件的高低而评判;设定的工作量评分可能难以充分顾及每位青年编委的专业和职位而有失公允;学术资源的有限分配可能会影响青年编委的内部和谐;科技期刊的发展与青年编委的进步能否做到同频共振,不同类型青年学者如何能够充分发挥各自优势进而促进科技期刊建设。面对这些问题,笔者认为在大力弘扬新时代科学家精神的基础上,建立全面充分客观动态调整的青年编委工作量评价体系,设立科学合理及可落实的青年编委准入和退出机制可有助于规避或解决以上问题。科技期刊人应该切实从自身期刊实际情况考虑,不落伍不盲从,坚守好自己的学术阵地,为打造良好的学术生态发挥科技期刊人应有的作用。  相似文献   
为回顾百年党史,大力弘扬科学家精神,中国科技馆自主开发策划了“赤子丹心——与党同龄的科学家”主题展览。该展览以1921年出生的各领域著名科学家为切入点,以科学家精神为主线,展示科学家们在科学领域的卓越成就和探索历程,展现其感人至深的爱国爱党情怀,引导公众尤其是青少年树立正确的人生观和价值观,实现科学精神的传承。本文从主题展览策划的各环节出发,探讨总结了对于科普场馆人物展策划的思考与启示。  相似文献   
Despite the increasing interest taken in knowledge management (KM) by a wide range of practitioners as well as the library and information science (LIS) community, knowledge management is not systematically applied in libraries. Due to the complexity of knowledge, as well as the multifaceted nature of knowledge management, there is no consensus among LIS professionals regarding its relation to information management. In this context, the current study aims at exploring how library employees perceive knowledge management, as well as which KM tools and techniques are adopted by academic libraries. The results indicate that although practitioners are aware of knowledge management and appreciative of its benefits not only for library performance but also for LIS professionals' future career options, there is a lack of clarity on fundamental KM issues. Finally, academic libraries take steps towards capturing the knowledge of their users and internal explicit knowledge; however, social practices such as communities of practice, which facilitate tacit knowledge and expertise sharing, are not adopted.  相似文献   
季慧 《编辑学报》2017,29(6):586-589
互联网时代传统期刊的生存发展面临极大挑战,青少年科普期刊应该立足出版本位,通过定、拓、融、通的提升策略:找准媒介定位,追求价值传播;增强内容结构的紧致性、连通性;打破边界,盘活资源;促通达,增服务——为读者提供全媒体科普阅读体验,提升期刊生命力.  相似文献   
Employing a nationally representative sample of science faculty in U.S. colleges, we investigate 3 explanations for persisting differences in women's faculty representation across science fields even after adjusting for women's variable representation among doctoral recipients. First, we examine labor market factors: (a) differential growth rates and critical mass in the supply of women doctoral recipients, (b) growth or contraction in academic and nonacademic job opportunities, and (c) presence of foreign-born scholars. Second, we control for institutional explanations such as differential rates of faculty unionization and less receptivity to women at prestigious or research-oriented universities and fields that are applied, soft, or nonlife sciences. Third, gender role explanations are addressed by controlling for gender differences in work experience, work interruptions, and the prestige of doctoral credentials. After finding that none of these explanations account fully for distinctive patterns among science fields in the faculty gender composition, we discuss how they may reflect differences in academic cultures.  相似文献   
运用WordSmith软件,本项研究对56位国际著名情报学家的2869篇(部)论著题目做了词频分析,将情报学家的研究对象和研究方法加以梳理、定位、比较,和分类,凸显出研究热点,勾勒出研究趋势,展现出情报学家对科学的全方位关注和重视计量的研究传统.论文分为两部分,其一,情报学家关注科学的视角;其二,情报学家解读科学的方法.  相似文献   
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